The Continuance

When The Continuance, a talented rock band hailing from NS, approached us, they already had a foundation of powerful music that resonated with many. Our challenge? Elevating their digital presence to match their musical prowess. Collaborating closely, we produced a series of music videos that skyrocketed their organic views from mere hundreds to tens of thousands. Not only did their digital popularity surge, but their live gigs calendar was booked solid. Beyond their immense talent, working with such genuine and passionate musicians made the entire journey rewarding.

Live in-studio Recording at The Groove Factory – The Continuance: Carrion

Our inaugural project with The Continuance led us to the Groove Factory in Amherst, NS. Capturing the raw essence of their music was paramount. The initial recording was done live — a transparent testament to their skills. We then layered three additional angles, synchronizing them with the first live take’s audio. While the instruments remained untouched in their original fervor, the vocals received a fresh overlay, captured in one authentic take. Credit to Chris Thomas, the maestro behind the sound mixing, who ensured the music’s authenticity shone through.



Outdoor Adventures – The Continuance: Strength is Acceptance

For our next venture, we journeyed deep into the wilderness, drawn to the enigmatic allure of a dilapidated hydroelectric dam. Transporting our equipment, including a generator to power the instruments and smoke machine, was no small feat. But, standing amidst the overgrown ruins, watching the lead guitarist’s electrifying performance inside the dam, every hurdle seemed worth it. This was more than just a music video; it was an experience and a testament to dedication.

A Single Continuous Shot for the Conituance at Plan B

Our final piece was set in the ambiance of Moncton’s old Plan B venue. The challenge? Capturing the entire performance in a single, unbroken shot. As the music emanated from the console, we navigated the venue, ensuring every member and every note was flawlessly encapsulated. It wasn’t just about filming a song; it was about capturing a moment in its purest form.The one thing that the entire team really liked was the warm greetings of the wedding couple, and of the people there. They really went out of their way to make us feel welcomed and part of their day. These are absolutely amazing people, and we are tremendously grateful that they had chosen us to capture their memories.  


The Continuance Continues..

Our collaboration with The Continuance stands as a testament to the fusion of raw talent and professional presentation. From capturing live intensity at The Groove Factory to embracing nature’s mystique near a forgotten dam, and finally, mastering a single-take challenge in Moncton’s revered Plan B venue, we’ve been through exhilarating highs and challenging terrains. But the outcome? A series of videos that didn’t just showcase their music, but also told their story, propelling them to new heights in their musical journey. Working with them wasn’t just a project; it was an adventure we’ll forever cherish.